Wonderful discoveries

Very occasionally I get slightly jaded about weblogs. But then I come across something new (to me) and wonderful. There have been a number of recent discoveries I put in that category.

A Surprising Life is written by one of my sisters, so I’m certainly parti pris. It’s not aimed at me: “About and for women of a certain age — in our forties, fifties, sixties. The possibilities, necessities and challenges we face — societal as well as internal. Things our mothers (at least most of them) never imagined and maybe things our daughters (and sons) can learn from.” But it’s giving me additional insight into my sister and the many women in her situation. And she’s a great writer (maybe it runs in the family ;-)).

My other two recent discoveries are more frivolous. Strange Maps delivers what it says on the tin. In addition to wholly engrossing imagery it has the right mix of erudition and wit (hat tip to David Derrick). Indexed, by Jessica Hagy, astounds me regularly. She teases out connections you never imagined.

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