No government after 149 days and no one notices

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew they were having political problems in Belgium. But I didn’t expect this:

Financial Times Deutschland takes a look at Belgium where there is still no government after 149 days, a record in the country’s history. There is a big disagreement between the coalition partners about a single electoral district on the outskirts of Brussels, Brussels-Halle-Vilvorde, which the Flemish community wants to be assigned to Flanders, and which would force the Francophone minority having to vote for a Flemish politicians. Brussels is officially the only bilingual part of Belgium.

Jean Quatremer notes in his blog Coulisse de Bruxelles that the latest survey in Flanders makes disturbing reading for the future of Belgium 63% think that Belgium will break up. 86.8% say they are not ready to make any compromises, and 83.8 % say that a reform of the state must be the priority of the new government. And 91% want to cut of the Francophones in a Brussels suburb from a casting a vote.

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