More interesting follow-ups to Davos are appearing. Dave Winer has a record-length Dave Net on Davos, How To Make Money on the Internet. Dave neatly ties together president Clinton’s injunction to “find a shared vision” with the necessity for those in the Internet community to do the same. One apposite quote that Dave missed from president Wahid of Indonesia: “The ordinary people are not ordinary.”
In characteristic style, Dave also has a riff on professor Klaus Schwab’s German accent. You’ll either love it or hate it. I’d like to encourage other Newbies (you’re all metaphorical newbies now, rather than actual ones) to post a Davos impression. Dave’s would be a good example to follow.
Dan Gillmor in the San Jose Mercury News wrote his final Davos column on the NGOs at the Annual Meeting. It’s a good summary of one of the most important strands of the meeting.
William Keegan in the UK’s Observer, like The New York Times’s Tom Friedman, makes the link between Seattle and Davos. It’s a well nuanced column.
On another note, following my thoroughly enjoyable experiences with Davos Newbies, I rashly promised the World Economic Forum’s Global Leaders for Tomorrow that they could have a website up and running within hours. The result, GLTNet, is now up and I plan to populate it in the coming days. Since there is a motivated, Internet-savvy community of GLTs, I think there are great prospects for this turning into a true collaborative tool.
I rashly promised the World Economic Forum’s Global Leaders for Tomorrow that they could have a website up and running within hours.
What an excellent idea!
Let us know if you want us to add some design work to this site. It may be better to let it run “rough” for a bit, and see if the GLT’s have ideas.
I am in my final hours of nerve-wracking over the Seybold thing, I’m now leaning towards not using slides at all and just playing with Manila in front of the audience.
Should be pretty interesting..
Anyway, I’m nervous about your comment about my interpretation of Klaus Schwab’s speaking mannerisms. Oh well, we Americans have a reputation for being brash for a reason. I’m probably one of the most American people you’ll ever know. I wonder if many of the readers of that DaveNet piece got that I was playing off Clinton’s remark about his own accent. I watched Schwab’s body language on that, and felt a bond with him. Clinton stole the show, imho, at that moment. I understood why the girls like him. It’s the same reason the girls like me. Us Americans will never learn. Stand there and smile and say Hi y’all, and the chicks just melt.
Anyway, clowning around is the American way, perhaps..
PS: I won’t point to the GLT site from Scripting News, nor will I join the site unless you want me to. I think it’s a wonderful idea, and we will support the work in any way we can.
I think it should run rough for a while. But we should give it a permanent URL. Will you handle this at your end, or can I do something?
On the Schwab accent, don’t worry. I understood what you meant, and the uptight types who don’t almost certainly don’t read Newbies (they probably get their secretary to handle their email).
But we should give it a permanent URL. Will you handle this at your end, or can I do something?
At least part of it must be handled on our end. Do you have a name in mind? I can’t easily check right now what names might be available. GlobalLeadersOfTomorrow.Com might be a little long. GLOT.Com sounds a little funky. Once you’ve picked a name and found that it’s not taken, you can register it if you want, or Brent can do it for you. You can work directly with him if you like. The mapping part has to be done here so it can work its way into our complicated maze of servers and domains.
It would be great if Brent could do it. I think it should be (someone has just put on hold, which is odd). The .org is more in keeping with the Forum.
I think we’d better have this conversation more privately.
Anyway I’m off to DemoLand in a few minutes. Wish me luck!
It would be great if Brent could do it.
Will do.