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Reasoned arguments  

Daniel Drezner is generally to the right of me on quite a number of issues, but that’s what makes his analysis of why he is looking increasingly likely to vote for Kerry so interesting. Read both his original post and his response to his commenters for a demonstration of what thoughtful voters might be considering in this election.

  Bush’s ability to articulate and persuade others of the rightness of his own foreign policy positions is shockingly bad. In the end, all he an say is “trust me.” Well, I don’t trust him anymore.
  Kerry, for all of his flaws, has at least acknowledges that the U.S. is going to have to expand the size of its military to meet the current demands of U.S. foreign policy.

Don’t count your chickens 

Henry Farrell has an enjoyable post on Crooked Timber dissecting The Economist‘s Lexington column. I’ve always been puzzled about why The Economist’s very right-wing stance on so many issues gets a free pass from people impressed by its generally excellent reporting.

If (and let’s hope it’s when, not if) John Kerry wins in two weeks time, I think a lot of current wisdom about Republican ascendency will have to be revised.

Six letters beginning with N 

Clue L from yesterday’s double acrostic in The New York Times (six letters): “Novice, tyro, greenhorn”.

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