Today I feel better. Phew, because I’m seeing lots of interesting people. I’ll see what I can report later.
Highlight of my day, despite my blahs, was a visit to Google. My host, Raymond Nasr, director of communications, is certainly the only person at Google to wear a tie (a bowtie, in fact, which is integral to Raymond’s identity).
I had a tour of the Googleplex, which is filled with some neat technological toys. The oft-remarked display of Google queries from around the world at reception is topped by the extraordinary representation of the earth, with each Google query — colour-coded by language — streaming into space.
About once a year, I have 24 hours of the blahs. Not quite a cold, not quite the flu, but a day when I’m just not firing on all cylinders.
Unfortunately, yesterday was my blah day. It’s unfortunate, because it also the first day of an action-packed week on the west coast. I think most of the people I saw yesterday didn’t really know I was under the weather, but I suspect they also weren’t overwhelmed by the amount of energy I displayed.