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It worked!  

Community works. Within a few hours of posting my technical plaint (below), Dave Winer gave me the solution. I’m back happily outlining away.


Brad DeLong has what seems a simple question: where are the grownups in the Republican party?

“The only theory peddled around the dinner table that made even one quarter sense is that all the Republican grownup insiders fear loss of White House mess privileges and cherish the illusion that by quietly working on the inside they keep things from being much worse, and all the Republican grownup outsiders fear that putting themselves in opposition to the administration will mean that a number of phone calls will be made to K-Street lobbyists and right-wing foundations and that they will find their incomes in a free fall. But that only makes a quarter-sense–not even half-sense. First, the older ones have nothing to fear from the administration’s retaliation: they have long since made their f*** you money. Second, such people are always much more into the influence than the big-pile-of-consumption-goods game, and to be a tireless advocate for this administration’s economic or security policy seems to be a good way to blow your reputation and credibility for life.”

Technical plea  

I don’t usually go in for technical pleas, but I’m posting far less here because for some reason my ability to edit Davos Newbies with Radio Userland has gone kaput. If there are any readers willing to help me through this, do get in touch.

When I click on “edit with Radio” my browser returns a “cannot find server” message. Could it have something to do with using port 8080 instead of 80? Some software I installed last week took port 80 away from Radio. I haven’t a clue, but I’m getting frustrated. All advice welcome.

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