My old stamping ground, World Link, has just had a relaunch. It might seem natural for me to rue the passing of a visual era I initiated in 1992, but I think congratulations are well deserved to the team on the magazine (the website doesn’t — yet — reflect the new design, other than the cover image).
I’ve only had a quick scan of the content, but I hope my ex-colleagues and the new editor, Philippe Legrain, won’t mind if at some point I send them some detailed comments. In my years as editor, I thirsted for detailed feedback, which is a very rare phenomenon.
Paul Krugman reckons the rhinoceroses have not only taken over the country, but also most of the weblogs.
I fear he’s right, but I’m equally certain that the plural of rhinoceros (in English, as opposed to Latin) is rhinoceroses, not rhinoceri.