When I was on World Link, we had an in-office game about naming enclaves (that tells you something about the office culture of World Link). Ceuta was an easy one to get, but I doubt any of us knew about Isla del Perejil, a previously meaningless rock that has provoked a ridiculous dispute between Morocco and Spain.
I’m not entirely sure after reading the news reports what inspired Morocco’s “invasion” of Parsley Island. King Mohammed VI, busy with his wedding, didn’t need to distract his subjects further, I wouldn’t think. But the Spanish are certainly riled: in an online survey by El Mundo, 64% of respondents reckoned Spain should reseize the islet by force.
On enclaves, incidentally, our efforts preceded, I’d guess, the web page maintained by Rolf Palmberg. Very strangely, to my mind, Palmberg does not include places like Ceuta because “they are not true enclaves since they are accessible by sea”.